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[영어공부] 유튜브 영상 추천 / COVID-19 death rate 10 times higher in countries with high obesity

by 제루리 2022. 4. 2.

Covid death rate 10 times higher in countries with high obesity

I want to talk about whether or not Covid death rate is related to high obesity. 

Share your opinion!


Let’s watch this video first. Source DW News.


This is a new global study shows that countries with high obesity levels have far higher death rates from COVID-19. The report from the World Obestiy Federation found that the Covid death rate is ten times higher in countries where more than half the population are overweight. The study does not address who catches the coronavirus, but who dies from it. The authors are calling for people living with obestiy to be given vaccination priority.

How to calculate my BMI*

*obesity index

dividing one's weight by the square of one's height

- Underweight = <18.5

- Normal weight = 18.5–24.9

- Overweight = 25–29.9

- Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater


If you are 170cm and 73kg, your BMI is 25.26.

So, you are overweight.

Should obese people be given vaccination priority?

They have a higher possibility than normal people to die from Covid.

And we can't make sure to have a cure for Covid yet, so I think they should get vaccinated first.

For this reason, we should think about what kind of action should countries or government take to fight against obesity. The number of obese people is steadily increasing nowadays. 

So, Is obesity a disease?

Most of all, WHO and AMA stipulate that obesity is a disease.

Most obese people have high blood pressure and high risk for diabetes.

In Korea, obesity rate is increasing because of Covid.

Most people couldn't go outside for over 2 years.

While staying home, the amount of activity has decreased.

The growth of the obese people is expected to accelerate.
